Import Options

Click the Application button to open the Application menu, then point to Import to view the import options. The following can be imported into Image Studio Software:

  • Image Studio Zip File: Zip Files are compressed folders containing TIFF images, scan information, and analysis data.

    Export Options to learn how to export Zip Files from Image Studio Software.

  • Third-Party Images: Individual TIFF, PNG, or JPEG images or folders containing these images.
  • Other LI-COR Images: Scan Folders (containing TIFF images and scan information) from other LI-COR Software. Analysis data are not imported.

Import Image Studio Zip File

  1. Click Image Studio Zip File Image Studio Import icon on the Import menu.

    Image Studio Application menu import options

  2. In the Import Image Studio Zip File dialog, browse to a Zip file and select it.

    Multiple Zip Files can be selected.

  3. Click Open. The entire file is imported to the current Work Area.

To import images from older LI‑COR software, click Import and then click Images from Other LI‑COR Software.

Third-Party Images

Image Studio Software can import individual TIFF, PNG, or JPEG images or folders containing these images.

Image Formats to learn about TIFF, JPEG, and PNG image formats and their uses.

  1. Point to Third-Party Images Image Studio 5.0 Import Third Party Image icon to see the options Individual Files and Folder of Files.
    • Click Individual Files to import TIFF, JPEG, or PNG images.
    • Click Folder of Files to import a folder containing TIFF, JPEG, or PNG images.

  2. Browse to a source folder and select the image or folder containing the images to be imported.
  3. Click Open.

    If the TIFF, JPEG or PNG file cannot be imported, an error message will appear at the bottom of the Image Studio window. If the data is inverted during import, Data Inverted During Import appears in the Image Modifications column.

  4. The imported file appears in the Images table.

Images from Other LI-COR Software

Click Images from Other LI-COR Software Image Studio 5.0 Import Images or Folders from Other LI-COR Software Icon on the Import menu to open the Import Other LI-COR Images dialog.

Image Studio 5.0 Import Other LI-COR Images dialog

See instructions below for how to import folders using each software option.