Export Options

Click the Application button to open the Application menu, then point to Export to view the export options. The following can be exported from Image Studio Software:

  • Images: Images can be exported individually, in batches of individual files, or multiple images can be exported to a single composite image. Exported images can be in TIFF, PNG, or JPEG format at 150, 300, or 600 dots per inch (dpi) resolution. During export, images can be resized and the chosen resolution will remain the same after resizing.

    Image Formats to learn about TIFF, JPEG, and PNG image formats and their uses.

  • Color Bar: The color bar from an image can be exported by itself to compare images in a presentation, publication, or lab notebook.
  • Movies: Export a QuickTime movie or a batch of individual JPEG images to be made into a movie using third party software.
  • Image Studio Files: Export Acquisition Folders containing TIFF images, scan information, and analysis data to Zip Files or to another Work Area. Use this option to backup or archive data.

Exporting Single Images

The following choices for exporting a single image use a standard dialog and include the same choices. Choices in the dialog are pre-set differently for each export option to facilitate exporting a particular type of image.

  • Image for Digital Media: The dialog is pre-set to export a 150 dpi PNG.
  • Image for Print: The dialog is pre-set to export a 600 dpi TIFF
  • Current Single Image View: The dialog is pre-set to export a 300 dpi TIFF
  • Image Gallery as a Single Image File: Exports multiple images to a single composite image. The dialog is pre-set to export a 300 dpi TIFF.

To export a single image using the above methods:

  1. Select the image to be exported in the Images table

  2. Click the Image Studio Application button, point to export, and then click the appropriate single image export option. The dialog that opens will be named differently for each method but will have the same options.

    Hover to expand a thumbnail with quick instructions for using the dialog:

    Image Studio 5.0 Export Dialog annotations

    Click the options below to read more about each export option.

  3. Click Browse to find the folder where the image will be exported.

    The Single Image View dialog will open (or Image Gallery Export for Image Gallery as a Single Image File).

    Image Studio 5.0 Single Image View Export dialog

  4. In the Single Image View dialog, double click to open the folder where the image should be exported and click Save.
  5. Click Save again to export the image.

Export Multiple Images in Batch

Use Selected Images as Separate Files to export all selected images in the Images table as individual images.

To use Selected Images as Separate Files:

  1. Select all the images that need to be exported in the Images table.
  2. Click the Image Studio Application button, point to Export, then point to Additional Options, and then click Selected Images as Separate Files.

    The Export Selected Images dialog will open. Export Selected Images dialog

  3. To name the exported files, click Edit Name.

    The Edit File Name dialog will open. Edit File Name dialog

    Only one file name can be designated to all images exported in the same batch, but a value from the Images table can be added to the end of each file name to distinguish exported images. See Insert values from the Images table into the file name below.

  4. Click Browse to find the folder where the image will be exported.

    The Selected Images Export dialog will open. Selected Images Export dialog

  5. In the Selected Images Export dialog, double click to open the folder where the image should be exported and click Save.
  6. Click Save in the Export Selected Images dialog and the batch of images will be exported.

Export Movies

Use the Movies option to export images:

  • To a QuickTime movie (.mov) or,
  • Individual JPEG images to be made into a movie using third party software

To export a movie:

  1. Click the Image Studio Application button, point to Export, then point to Additional Options, and then click Movies.

    The Movie Properties dialog will open.

    Movie Properties dialog

  2. In the Movie Properties dialog, check the appropriate option next to Create QuickTime movie or Export individual images.
  3. The frame rate can be adjusted up to a maximum of 10 frames per second.
  4. If the Add subtitles with Image ID and Acquisition Time box is checked, the Image ID and Acquisition Time from the Images table will be added below the image.
  5. If the Include annotations as currently displayed on images box is checked, all displayed annotations (such as shapes added for analysis) will be included in the movie.
  6. Click Browse to find the correct location where the movie or images should be exported.
  7. The Movie Name text field will be active if the Create QuickTime movie box is checked. Type a name for the movie.
  8. Click OK to export.

Export Color Bar

The Color Bar from an image can be exported by itself to compare images in a presentation, publication, or lab notebook.

Example of a Color Bar:

Color Bar Example

To export a Color Bar:

  1. Ensure the Color Bar is visible next to the image.

  2. Click the Image Studio Application button, point to Export, and then point to Additional Options.

  3. Click Color Bar.

    The Export Color Bar dialog will open.

    Export Color Bar Dialog with annotations

  4. In the Export Color Bar dialog, the font size, bar width, bar length, and horizontal or vertical orientation of the bar can be adjusted. A resolution, image format, and name for the exported color bar image must also be chosen.

  5. Click Browse to find the folder where the image will be exported.

    The Single Image View Export dialog will open.

    Image Studio 5.0 Single Image View Export dialog

  6. In the Single Image View dialog, double click to open the folder where the image should be exported and click Save.
  7. Click Save in the Export Color Bar dialog and the Color Bar image will be exported.

Exporting Zip Files and Copying Data to Another Work Area

Use one of the following ways to export data from Image Studio Software: