NEW Aquatic Carbon Analysis

Instrumentation to characterize carbon in aquatic systems

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Why Characterize Aquatic Carbon?

Characterizing carbon is key to unraveling its role in and impact on aquatic environments. Measurements of carbon provide valuable insights into carbon fluxes, cycles, and exchanges as well as ecosystem production, anthropogenic emissions, and the global carbon budget.

In particular, carbon measurements help researchers better understand and assess ocean acidification—a hazardous consequence of rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere—and its ramifications for aquatic life. This can ultimately contribute to the development of climate change mitigation strategies, conservation efforts, and sustainable management practices.

Graphic of carbonate chemistry in the air and water
Figure 1. A prime example of carbonate chemistry at an (air/water) interface: the ocean surface. The ocean is the largest sink for the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO₂). Atmospheric carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid (H₂CO₃), which then forms bicarbonate (HCO₃–) and carbonate (CO₃2–) ions. From there, carbonate ions can react with dissolved calcium or magnesium ions to form limestone or other minerals, where carbon can become sequestered.

How is Aquatic Carbon Measured?

Because CO2 is the dominant product of organic carbon degradation across nearly all aquatic environments, its fluctuations are a key indicator of net ecosystem metabolism (Hopkinson, 1985; Smith and Hollibaugh, 1993). As such, it is essential to measure parameters that define the CO2 system. Today, there are four readily measurable parameters—all of which can be determined using Apollo SciTech aquatic instruments, which were acquired by LI-COR Environmental in 2023.

  • The Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Analyzer measures dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), or the concentration of CO2 and other inorganic carbon species dissolved in water.
  • The Underway pCO2 System measures partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), or the concentration of CO2 gas in water.
  • The Spectrophotometric Seawater pH Analyzer measures pH, or the acidity (concentration of H+) or alkalinity (concentration of OH-) of water.
  • The Total Alkalinity Titrator measures total alkalinity, or water’s capacity to neutralize acids.

Who Should Measure Aquatic Carbon?

Aquatic carbon measurements can benefit researchers in a wide variety of disciplines. The following research fields or interests commonly take these measurements to better understand biological processes, climate change, ecology, ocean acidification, and more.

illustrated icon for oceanography


illustrated icon for marine biology

Marine biology

illustrated icon for limnology


illustrated icon for fishery management

Fishery management

illustrated icon for shellfish

Shellfish ecology and production

illustrated icon for wetland research

Wetland, estuary, or open ocean carbon cycle research

illustrated icon for water atmosphere

Water-atmosphere or water-sediment exchange of CO2

illustrated icon for carbon sequestration

Carbon sequestration research

illustrated icon for oceanography

illustrated icon for marine biology
Marine biology

illustrated icon for limnology

illustrated icon for fishery management
Fishery management

illustrated icon for shellfish
Shellfish ecology and production

illustrated icon for wetland research
Wetland, estuary, or open ocean carbon cycle research

illustrated icon for water atmosphere
Water-atmosphere or water-sediment exchange of CO2

illustrated icon for carbon sequestration
Carbon sequestration research


Hopkinson, C.S. (1985). Shallow-water benthic and pelagic metabolism: Marine Biology, 87(1), pp.19–32. doi:

Smith, S.V. and Hollibaugh, J.T. (1993). Coastal metabolism and the oceanic organic carbon balance. Reviews of Geophysics, [online] 31(1), pp.75–89. doi:

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