Download Empiria Studio Software and Access Tutorials

Download Empiria Studio® Software

Version 3.2

Your free trial lasts 120 days. After 120 days, purchase a license to continue.

Your journey to reliable analysis of multiwell plate assays, Western blots, tissue sections, and small animal images—all in one software package—begins now.

When you first start Empiria Studio you will be asked to register the software using your LI-COR account. You can create an account now if you have not already created one.

Note: If you already have Empiria Studio installed, installing this trial version on the same computer will overwrite the existing Empiria Studio version. Once you have opened a Data Folder in Empiria Studio 3.2, you will not be able to open that same Data Folder in a version prior to 3.2. See Upgrading to Empiria Studio 3.2 for more information.
Installing Empiria Studio 3.2 will overwrite any existing Empiria Studio installation. Once you have opened a Data Folder in Empiria Studio 3.2, you will not be able to open that same Data Folder in an earlier version of Empiria Studio. See Upgrading to Empiria Studio 3.2 for more information.

Computer and Imager Requirements

General Specifications

  • Empiria Studio can analyze the following assay types: multiwell plate assays, quantitative Western blots, qualitative Western blots, protein gels, nucleic acid gels, slides, and small animal images.
  • Empiria Studio can analyze blots and gels with up to 26 lanes to accommodate most common gels and membranes from multiple vendors.
  • Image Format: Empiria Studio is designed to analyze images acquired on the following LI-COR imagers: New! Odyssey F, Odyssey M, Odyssey DLx, Odyssey XF, Odyssey CLx, Odyssey Fc, Odyssey Classic, Odyssey Sa, Pearl Trilogy, Pearl Impulse, Pearl, C-DiGit, and Aerius.

Computer Specifications


  • A minimum of of 8 GB RAM.
  • A minimum of 1 TB hard drive.
  • Windows 10 (64-bit) and Windows 11 (64-bit) are supported.
  • macOS Ventura and Sonoma are supported on both Intel and Apple Silicon processors.


  • Screen size: Certain components of the Empiria Studio user interface will not display optimally on screen sizes below 1320 × 800 pixels. A screen size of 1920 × 1080 is better for viewing entire plate images for analysis.
  • Dedicated graphics hardware will improve computer performance when working with large, high resolution images. Slide images are likely to be large, high resolution images.

Note: If you don’t have an image to use for a particular workflow that you’d like to try, sample images are available.

Sample Images

Use the sample images below if you want to try a specific workflow in Empiria Studio, but you don’t have your own images to use for that workflow. The images are provided in Zip files that you can download and then import into Empiria Studio at the beginning of a workflow (using the Zip files option).

Experimental details and data are available for each set of images in the Sample Image Guide.

Sample Image Guide


Validate the primary antibody for use in your intended assay and sample context.

Antibody Validation Files

Find the appropriate range of sample loading for a WB. In this range, sample loading will be proportional to band intensity for the internal loading control and target.

Tutorial files are available for comparing a target to a total protein stain (TPS) ILC and a housekeeping protein (HKP) ILC.

Linear Range Files: TPS + Target Linear Range Files: HKP + Target

Determine if your chosen HKP is stably expressed in your samples and conditions.

HKP Validation Files

Target Analysis

Analyze your target bands, using total protein staining (TPS) for normalization.

TPS Analysis Files

Analyze your target bands, using your HKP for normalization.

HKP Analysis Files

Protein Gel Analysis Resources

Small Animal Analysis Resources