Integrating a LI-COR Trace Gas Analyzer with an LI-8100A/LI-8150 System
This application note describes how to integrate an LI-7810 into a LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System |
application note |
6000-09TC Soil Probe: How to Safely Carry the Probe with the LI-8100A ACU
Application note for the LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System that describes how to safely carry the 6000-09TC Soil Temperature Probe by attaching to the LI-8100A Analyzer Control Unit. |
application note |
Long-Term Chamber Shading Effects
Technical note that describes the implications of the long-term chamber design on shadows resulting from the structural elements of the chamber itself. |
application note |
Using the LI-8100App
Instructions for connecting with the LI-8100App when using a mobile device. |
application note |
Addressing Spatial Variability: Determining the Number of Readings Required
Application note that describes considerations to address spatial variability in soil gas flux measurements. |
application note |
Capturing and Processing Soil GHG Fluxes Using the LI-8100A
Application note that describes how to measure trace gas exchange from soils using an external trace gas analyzer and the LI-8100A |
application note |
Measuring CO2 Evolution from Multiple Flasks
Application note for the LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System entitled 'Measurement of CO2 Evolution in a Multiplexed Flask System' |
application note |
Measuring Small Volumes with the LI-8100A
Instructions on using the LI-8100A for small volume CO2 measurements. |
application note |
Setting Up a Wireless Hotspot for the LI-8100A
This technical tip describes how to configure the TP-Link Wireless Router for use with the LI-8100A. |
application note |
LI-8100 Software DLL error user32 Message
TechTip/FAQ about resolving a DLL "user32" error with the LI-8100 software. |
application note |
Using the Decagon ECH20 Soil Moisture Probe with the LI-8100 System
Instructions from Decagon Devices on the calibration of ECH2O probes with a 5V excitation. The ECH2O Soil Moisture Probe can be used with the LI-8100 System. |
application note |
Using an ML3 Soil Moisture/Temperature Probe with the LI-8100A
Instructions for using the ML3 with the LI-8100A system. |
application note |
Atmospheric CO2 Profile Measurements using the LI-8100 and LI-8150 System
Profile measurements with the LI-8100 and LI-8100A system. |
application note |
LI-8100A Photovoltaic System Calculator
This spreadsheet is designed to be used with AppNote 979-08936 entitled 'Powering the LI-8100/8150 in a Remote Location'. The spreadsheet allows for input of power demand, and calculates the photovoltaic requirements. |
application note |
Mapping CO2 Concentrations and Fluxes with the LI-8100A
Application note for the LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System entitled "Mapping CO2 Concentrations and Fluxes with the LI-8100A" |
application note |
The Importance of Water Vapor Measurements
This application note describes how water vapor influences the measurement of carbon dioxide by infrared gas analysis in several ways, which can lead to significant measurement errors. |
application note |
Using the 8100-664 Trace Gas Sampling Kit
Instructions for assembling the Trace Gas Sampling Kit for use with the LI-8100/LI-8100A. Measurement instructions are included in the full PDF app note. |
application note |
Using the 8100Sync Application
Application note that describes how to synchronize the clocks between the LI-8100A and a third party gas analyzer. |
application note |
8100-101 Long-term Chamber Vent Upgrade Kit
Installation instructions for the long-term chamber vent upgrade kit. |
install guide |
8100-102 10 cm Survey Chamber Vent Upgrade Kit
LI-8100 survey chamber vent upgrade kit instructions. |
install guide |
8100-203 Soil Temperature Probe Installation Instructions
8100-203 Soil Temperature Probe installation instructions |
install guide |
8100-204 Soil Moisture Probe Installation Instructions
Installation instructions for the ML2x Theta Probe in the LI-8100 or LI-8150 Automated Soil CO2 Flux Systems. |
install guide |
Connecting and Programming Soil Moisture Probes with the LI-8100A
Instructions for connecting a variety of soil moisture probes to the LI-8100A system. |
install guide |
8100-908 Long-Term Chamber Thermistor Upgrade and Replacement Instructions
Installation guide for the 8100-908 long-term chamber thermistor. |
install guide |
8150-916 Eight-to-Sixteen Port Upgrade Kit for the LI-8150 Multiplexer installation instructions
Instructions for installing the sixteen-port upgrade in the eight-port LI-8150 Multiplexer. |
install guide |
Calibration of ECH2O Probes with a 5V Excitation
Instructions for calibrating the ECH2O Model EC-5 soil moisture probe from Decagon Devices, for use with the LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System. |
install guide |
9981-078 and 9981-160 Chamber Bowl Assembly Instructions
This installation guide describes how to swap out the 8100-104 opaque chamber "bowl" with the clear bowl from the 8100-104C long-term chamber, or vice versa. |
install guide |
LI-8150 Multiplexer 9981-174 Diaphragm Pump Upgrade Kit Instructions
Installation guide for the diaphragm pump upgrade kit for the LI-8100 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System. |
install guide |
Trace Gas Sampling Kit Installation Instructions for the LI-8100A and LI-6400XT
Installation instructions for the trace gas sampling kit for the LI-6400XT and LI-8100A. |
install guide |
Source, Detector, and Optical Path Replacement Instructions
Instructions for replacing the source, detector, and optical path in the LI-800, LI-820, LI-840, and LI-8100A gas analyzers. |
install guide |
DC-DC Power Adapter
Installation guide for the DC-DC converter. The converter allows the LI-8150 multiplexer to operate from a 24 VDC solar power supply. |
install guide |
SunWize Solar Power Supplies Instruction Manual
Instruction manual for using SunWize solar power supplies with LI-COR equipment. |
manual |
LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System and LI-8150 Multiplexer Instruction Manual
LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System and LI-8150 Multiplexer Instruction Manual. |
manual |
LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System Quick Start Guide
A quick start guide to survey measurements using the LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System. |
manual |
8100-405 CO2 Mapping Kit instruction manual
Instruction manual for the 8100-405 CO2 Mapping Kit, for use with the LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System. |
manual |
Configuring PDAs for use with the LI-8100A
Instructions for using an HP PDA with the LI-8100 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System. |
manual |
Configuring the Palm LifeDrive for use with the LI-8100
Instructions for using the Palm LifeDrive PDA with the LI-8100 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System. |
manual |
Configuring the Palm Tungsten C for use with the LI-8100
Instruction manual for using the Palm Tungsten C PDA with the LI-8100 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System. |
manual |
Configuring the Palm TX for use with the LI-8100
Instruction manual for using the Palm TX PDA with the LI-8100 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System. |
manual |
LI-8100A Sistema Automatizado de Fluxo de CO2 no Solo e Multiplexador LI-8150 Manual de instruções
LI-8100A Sistema Automatizado de Fluxo de CO2 no Solo e Multiplexador LI-8150 Manual de instruções. (LI-8100A and LI-8150 Instruction Manual Portuguese Translation). |
manual |
A Rapid Assessment Technique for Mapping Ground Level CO2 Concentrations Using a Light-weight, Field-rugged Gas Analyzer
Poster describing how to map ground-level CO2 concentrations using the LI-8100A Soil CO2 Flux System. |
poster |
Accurate Soil CO2 Flux Measurements at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution
Poster that describes the LI-8100A and LI-8150 multiplexer for accurate soil CO2 flux measurements. |
poster |
Addressing Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil CO2 Flux Using an Automated 16-chamber Multiplexed System
Poster describing a technique to increase spatial and temporal resolution using the LI-8100A and LI-8150 multiplexer for soil CO2 flux measurements. |
poster |
Comparison of Two Systems for Measuring Soil CO2 Flux: The LI-6400 and LI-8100
Poster describing differences between the LI-8100 and LI-6400 for measuring CO2 flux from soils. |
poster |
Considerations for Making Chamber-based Soil CO2 Flux Measurements
Poster describing considerations when making chamber-based soil CO2 flux measurements. |
poster |
Critical considerations for accurate soil CO2 flux measurements
Poster describing important considerations for soil CO2 flux measurements. |
poster |
Equalizing Pressures Between a Soil CO2 Flux Chamber and the Ambient Air Under Windy Conditions
Poster describing the pressure vent that equalizes pressure in the chamber under windy conditions. |
poster |
Physical Description and Characterization of a Soil CO2 Flux Measurement System Designed for Spatial and Temporal Studies
Poster describing the LI-8100 Soil CO2 Flux System. |
poster |
Soil CO2 Flux Measurement at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution
Poster describing techniques for high spatial and temporal resolution measurement of soil CO2 flux. |
poster |
Soil CO2 Flux Measurements: Theory and Comparison Between the LI-6400 and LI-8100
Poster describing differences between soil gas flux measurements made with the LI-8100 and LI-6400. |
poster |
Spatial Variability of Soil CO2 Flux in a Cornfield
Poster describing a study of spatial variability of soil CO2 flux in a corn field. |
poster |
Temporal and Spatial Variations of Soil CO2 Flux Over a Corn/Soybean Rotation Field in Nebraska
Poster describing considerations of time and spatial area for measuring soil CO2 flux over a corn/soybean field. |
poster |
The Impact of Pressure Perturbation on Chamber-Based Soil CO2 Efflux Measurements
Poster describing how pressure changes affect soil efflux measurements. |
poster |
2420-BLS Light Sensor Amplifier Quick Start Guide for the LI-8100A
Quick Start Guide for the 2420-BLS Light Sensor Amplifier, for use with the LI-8100A and long-term soil flux chambers when used in multiplex mode (LI-8150). |
quick start guide |
8100-104 Chamber Control Kit
Technical note describing the chamber control kit to use the soil gas flux chambers with other gas analyzers. |
technical note |
8100-104 Chamber Control Kit Example Programs
These two example control programs demonstrate how to control an 8100-104/C using two different commonly available hardware platforms, as described in document ACU-123, 8100-104 Chamber Control Kit. |
technical note |
Vane Pump Replacement Instructions
Instructions for replacing the rotary vane pump (p/n 8100-929) in the LI-8100 Analyzer Control Unit. |
technical note |
Connecting with a mobile device using a wireless router TP-LINK
This application note describes how to connect a wireless router to the LI-8100A to provide wireless communication with a smartphone or tablet. |
technical note |
LI-8100 Long-Term Chambers Suggested End-of-Season Maintenance
LI-8100 Long-Term Chambers Suggested End-of-Season Maintenance. |
technical note |
Measurement of CO2 Evolution in a Multiplexed Flask System
Application note for the LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System entitled 'Measurement of CO2 Evolution in a Multiplexed Flask System'. |
technical note |
Measuring High CO2 Flux Rates with the LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System
Measuring High CO2 Flux Rates with the LI-8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux System |
technical note |
Technical note describing how to measure soil CO2 flux in soils with high flux rates.
Instructions on using the LI-8100A for small volume CO2 measurements. |
technical note |
Powering the LI-8100 and LI-8150 in a Remote Location: Power Requirements and Solar Panel Solutions
Powering the LI-8100 and LI-8150 in a Remote Location: Power Requirements and Solar Panel Solutions. |
technical note |
Using the Decagon ECH20 Soil Moisture Probe wth the LI-8100 System
Instructions from Decagon Devices on the calibration of ECH2O probes with a 5 V excitation. The ECH2O Soil Moisture Probe can be used with the LI-8100 System. |
technical note |
Dealing with Daylight Saving Time
This tip advises on the use of daylight saving time with LI-COR products. |
tech tip |
Using the Sable Systems DG-4 to set the H2O span for LI-COR gas analyzers
You can adjust the H2O span in many LI-COR gas analyzers with a dewpoint generated by the Sable Systems DG-4 Dewpoint Generator. This tech tip provides some details. |
tech tip |
Testing the limits of detection
This article discusses how to estimate the limits of detection (LOD) of the LI-8100A with a specific setup using a ‘zero’ flux measurement. |
tech tip |
All About Timing! Determining Measurement Duration for Soil Flux Measurements
Tech tip that describes how to set a suitable measurement duration. |
tech tip |
Battery Data Sheet
Data on the lead-acid battery |
tech tip |
Automatic Restart Function For the LI-8100A Automated Soil Flux System
Automatic Restart Function
For the LI-8100A Automated Soil Flux System. |
tech tip |
Connecting and Programming the EC-5 With the LI-8100A Soil CO2 Flux System
This technical tip describes how to connect the EC-5 soil moisture probe from Decagon Devices to the LI-8100A. Includes programming instructions and a link to an optional calculation spreadsheet. |
tech tip |
Corrosion Protection for the 8150-661 Chamber Sensor Interface and the 8100-104 Long Term Chambers
This technical tip describes some methods to prevent corrosion of the pins on the 8100-104 Long Term Chambers and the 8150-661 Chamber Sensor Interface. |
tech tip |
Making your own soil collars
This technical tip describes how to make your own soil collar for LI-COR soil gas flux systems. |
tech tip |
Extending 8100A Battery Life for Single Chamber Long Term or Survey Measurements
Tips on extending battery life when using the LI-8100 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System for single chamber long term or survey measurements. |
tech tip |
Extending Battery Life for the LI-8100 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System and LI-8150 Multiplexer
Technical Tip/FAQ about extending battery life for multiple chamber measurements with the LI-8100 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System and LI-8150 Multiplexer. |
tech tip |
LI-8100A Cables and Electronic Accessories
This technical tip shows LI-8100A cabling and electronic accessory connections in a graphical format. |
tech tip |
Measuring LI-8150 Multiplexer Incoming Voltage
Measuring LI-8150 Multiplexer Incoming Voltage. |
tech tip |
Troubleshooting RS-232 Communication Issues
This technical tip describes how to diagnose RS-232 connection issues for LI-COR gas analyzers using free terminal software such as Tera Term. |
tech tip |
Setting Up a Wireless Hotspot for the LI-8100A
This technical tip describes how to configure either of two wireless hotspots for use with the LI-8100A. |
tech tip |
Troubleshooting Bad Readings
This technical tip describes four common causes for bad readings on the LI-8100A, as well as for the LI-820 and LI-840/A gas analyzers. |
tech tip |
Where's My Serial Port? How to Use a Serial-to-USB Adapter with LI-COR Instruments
This technical tip describes how to use a Serial-to-USB adapter to connect your computer to a LI-COR instrument, for those computers that lack a serial port. |
tech tip |
Temporary Fix for a Bad Source
Tech Tip describing a temporary fix for a bad optical source. |
tech tip |