Configuring the IoE Module
After connecting the power supply - either the battery or an external power supply, you can begin configuring the IoE Module. Don't connect sensor cables yet; you will connect them later in the configuration.
Powering on
Short press the power button to power on the IoE Module. It will display several start-up messages and then a prompt notifying you that the SD card is mounted. Press Select to dismiss the notice and view the home screen.
To view digital Compliance information (e-labeling), from the Home screen, press left once () and down three times (). For more information, press left once and then up or down to see additional digital certificates.
Setting the timezone
To apply an offset to the default UTC time, press left four times () and use the up and down buttons to choose an offset. Press Select to apply the timezone and return to home. The IoE Module does not account for daylight saving time.
Adding sensors
This procedure needs to be completed when you initially configure the system or after you add or remove sensors. Keep the sensors nearby but not connected when you start. The IoE Module must have a strong cellular connection during configuration (see Cellular or network problems to check the connection).
From the home screen, press left three times () to enter SDI-12 Setup mode.
Press and hold the Select button to run the Setup Assistant
Follow the instructions on the display or follow along here.
Connect one sensor cable (for example, the LI-710) and press down () to continue.
The IoE Module will power on the sensor, read information from it, and set the address. It will issue several messages as it applies the configuration.
When prompted, disconnect first sensor cable and connect the the next sensor (the Stevens HydraProbe) and press down () to proceed.
Repeat the steps for additional sensors.
The default recording intervals (Min for minutes) are suitable for most applications.
After adding the last sensor, press left or right ( or ) to complete the setup.
Be sure that all sensor cables are connected.
Press the Select button to dismiss the box and initiate a final system test.
If it passes, the device configuration is completed. Sensors will begin providing data to the IoE Module. If it does not pass, see Configuration problems for troubleshooting tips.
If you want to change the configuration (connect a different LI-710, for example) simply go through the procedure again (see Adding sensors).
Next, you'll register the IoE Module on LI-COR Cloud™ (see Registering the IoE Module with LI-COR Cloud™), and finally, install the IoE Module and sensors at the site.