Calculating turbulent fluxes for a system composed of an LI-7200/RS and LI-7700
In this situation, corrected fluxes are calculated from uncorrected (fluxes as F0) with the following procedure:
Level 1 fluxes: application of spectral corrections
As a first step, uncorrected methane fluxes from the LI-7700 are corrected for spectral attenuation, as explained in Calculating Fluxes for Open Path Analyzers:
6‑106F1,ch4 = F0,ch4 · SCFw,ch4
Momentum flux and friction velocity are also spectrally corrected at Level 1, similarly:
6‑107T1 = T0 · SCFu,w
6‑108u*1 = u*0 · SCFu,w
Fluxes from the LI-7200 are not spectrally corrected at this stage, because the application of correction for air density fluctuation effects to concentrations calculated with closed path systems requires using uncorrected fluxes.
Level 2 and 3 fluxes
Whenever possible, air density fluctuation effects in closed path systems are addressed by converting raw gas concentration measurements into mixing ratios (see Converting to Mixing Ratios). However, when this is not possible due to unavailability of necessary raw information, the correction is implemented following the WPL approach, as refined by Ibrom et al. (2007b). As a first step, evapotranspiration flux is corrected for the WPL term using the formulation proposed in Webb et al. (1980, eq. 42b), properly modified to account for the fact that the relevant sensible heat flux is measured inside the cell of the LI-7200 (and not in ambient conditions):
where and
are covariances of w and cell temperature pressure respectively, evaluated after dislodging the cell temperature time series using the time lag of CO2. If covariance
are not available, they are assumed negligible and E1 is corrected only for the dilution term due to water vapor:
6‑110E2 = (1 + μσ)E1
Fully corrected (level 3) evapotranspiration flux can now be calculated from E2 by applying the proper spectral correction factor:
6‑111E3 = E2 · SCFw,h2o
Fully corrected latent heat and water vapor flux can now be calculated:
6‑112F3,h2o = E3 · 10-3·Mh2o
6‑113LE3 = λ · E3
Now, ambient sensible heat flux is corrected for humidity effects following van Dijk et al. (2004), revising Schotanus et al. (1983) as explained in Calculating Fluxes Level 1 2 and 3.
Then it is spectrally corrected to get fully corrected sensible heat flux:
H3 = H2 · SCFw,Ts
Next, level 2 CO2 flux is calculated by applying the correction for air density fluctuations. EddyPro uses a formulation similar to Webb et al. (1980 eq. 24), where, however, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux are evaluated in the cell and using the time lag of CO2:
where Ecell and Hcell are calculated as:
and the subscript τ_co2 indicates that covariances are evaluated at time lags of CO2. The factor vc / va is needed to compute ambient quantities from cell quantities.
Methane fluxes are evaluated similarly to in a manner similar to fluxes for the LI-7500 and LI-7700 analyzers:
where now, the spectrally corrected, not-WPL-corrected evapotranspiration flux is calculated as:
Finally, CO2 fluxes are corrected for spectral attenuations: