- Wind Direction Measurements:
- Resolution (u/v/w): 1.0°
- Range (u/v): 0 to 359°
- Accuracy (u/v): ±1.0°
- Range (w): ±15° from the horizontal plane of the instrument
- Accuracy (w): 0.2 m/s
- Humidity Sensor:
- Range: 0 to 100% RH
- Resolution: 0.01%
- Accuracy: ±3%
- Pressure Sensor:
- Range:50 to 115 kPa
- Resolution: 0.01 kPa
- Accuracy: ±1.0%
- Temperature Measurements:
- Range:-20 °C to 72 °C
- Resolution: 0.01 °C
- Accuracy: ±2.0 °C
- Magnetometer:
- Range (u, v, w): ±50 Gauss
- Heading Accuracy: ±5°
- Accelerometer:
- Range (u, v, w): ±2 g
- Tilt (pitch, roll): ±90°
Specifications subject to change without notice.