+ What is the advantage of using the LAI‑2200C vs. the LAI-2000?
+ What is the advantage of the LAI‑2200TC Tall Canopy Package?
+ Can I use the new LAI‑2250 Optical Sensor with my current LAI‑2000?
+ What types of canopies can I measure with the LAI‑2200C?
+ How does the LAI‑2200C measure Gap Fraction?
+ I have a line quantum sensor that I was going to use to measure LAI. What advantages does the LAI‑2200C offer?
+ How can it correctly measure leaf area if the sensor can't see all the leaves, or if the leaves overlap?
+ How big does the plot need to be?
+ What if a plot isn't that big?
+ How short can a canopy be and still get good measurements?
+ Will the LAI‑2000/2200C work in coniferous forests?
+ Can the LAI‑2200C differentiate between species - weeds and corn, for example?
+ Will the LAI‑2200C detect insect defoliation?
+ Can I measure a single plant?
+ At the location where my research is conducted, it is almost never cloudy. Can I still take accurate measurements with the LAI‑2200C?
+ Can I measure canopy PAR absorption with the LAI‑2200C?
+ What is Mean Tilt Angle (MTA) good for?
+ I've never heard of this 'indirect' way to measure LAI. Has the model and the LAI‑2000/2200C been thoroughly tested?
+ How does the LAI‑2200C method compare with other indirect methods?
+ Can I use a LAI‑2250 Optical Sensor with a general-purpose data logger?