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Indirect Methods of Estimating Canopy Structure

Indirect Methods of Estimating Canopy Structure

Indirect Methods of Estimating Canopy Structure

Indirect Methods of Estimating Canopy Structure

Field guide to instruments for the earth sciences

Field guide to instruments for the earth sciences

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is the advantage of using the LAI‑2200C vs. the LAI-2000?

+ What is the advantage of the LAI‑2200TC Tall Canopy Package?

+ Can I use the new LAI‑2250 Optical Sensor with my current LAI‑2000?

+ What types of canopies can I measure with the LAI‑2200C?

+ How does the LAI‑2200C measure Gap Fraction?

+ I have a line quantum sensor that I was going to use to measure LAI. What advantages does the LAI‑2200C offer?

+ How can it correctly measure leaf area if the sensor can't see all the leaves, or if the leaves overlap?

+ How big does the plot need to be?

+ What if a plot isn't that big?

+ How short can a canopy be and still get good measurements?

+ Will the LAI‑2000/2200C work in coniferous forests?

+ Can the LAI‑2200C differentiate between species - weeds and corn, for example?

+ Will the LAI‑2200C detect insect defoliation?

+ Can I measure a single plant?

+ At the location where my research is conducted, it is almost never cloudy. Can I still take accurate measurements with the LAI‑2200C?

+ Can I measure canopy PAR absorption with the LAI‑2200C?

+ What is Mean Tilt Angle (MTA) good for?

+ I've never heard of this 'indirect' way to measure LAI. Has the model and the LAI‑2000/2200C been thoroughly tested?

+ How does the LAI‑2200C method compare with other indirect methods?

+ Can I use a LAI‑2250 Optical Sensor with a general-purpose data logger?


  1. Bonhomme, R. and Chartier, P. (1972). The interpretation and automatic measurement of hemispherical photographs to obtain sunlit foliage area and gap frequency. Isr. J. Agric. Res. 22:53-61.
  2. Gower, S.T., and Norman, J.M. (1990). Rapid estimation of leaf area index in forests using the LI-COR LAI‑2000. Ecology, 72(5) 1896-1900.
  3. Lang, A.R.G., Xiang, Y., and Norman, J.M. (1985). Crop structure and the penetration of direct sunlight. Agric. & For. Meteor. (35) 83-101.
  4. Perry, S.G., Fraser, A.B., Thomson, D.W., and Norman, J.M. (1988). Indirect sensing of plant canopy structure with simple radiation measurements. Agric. and For. Meteor. (42) 255-278.
  5. Pierce, L.L. and Running, S.W. 1988. Rapid estimation of coniferous forest leaf area index using a portable integrating radiometer. Ecology 69(6) 1762-1767.
  1. Walker, G.K., Blackshaw, R.E., and Dekker, J. (1988). Leaf area and competition for light between plant species using direct sunlight transmission. Weed Technology (2) 159-165.
  2. Warren Wilson, J., and Reeve, J.E. 1959. Analysis of the spatial distribution of foliage by two-dimensional point quadrats. New Phytol. (58) 92-101.
  3. Welles, J.M. (1990). Some indirect methods of estimating canopy structure. In: Instrumentation for Studying Vegetation Canopy for Remote Sensing in Optical and Thermal Regions. (eds. N.S. Goel and J.M. Norman). Remote Sensing Reviews. 5(1) pp. 31-43.
  4. Welles, J.M. and Norman, J.M. (1990). An instrument for indirect measurement of canopy architecture. Agronomy J., 83:818-825.