Equation summary
The value of Cdry is the instantaneous water-corrected chamber CO2 mole fraction called C'(t), as described in the LI-8100A
Its initial value is computed from the intercept of a linear regression of the first 10 points after the chamber closes. This is used as a parameter in the nonlinear regression that fits the equation 9‑1 to the C'(t) vs t data between the end of the deadband and the end of the observation. This regression yields values needed to obtain the soil CO2 efflux rate. The discussion below describes how the appropriate slope of Cdry is computed and used to compute the final variables.
Computing the slope of Cdry requires a three-step process:
- Fit Cdry vs Etime.
- This is called function f(t), which is shown in equation 9‑1.
- Compute time to such that
- where C0 is the initial value of Cdry.
- Compute the slope from the derivative of f(t) at time t0.
Standard error of this slope (used for the value of ∂Cdry/∂t) is given by
yi are the individual Cdry values, f(ti) are the computed Cdry values at Etime ti, and n is the number of points used.
where t is the mean Etime. The coefficient of determination R2 of the fit (used of the value of CrvFit) is given by
where y is the mean Cdry value.
Flux is computed from equation 9‑9.
The coefficient of variation (CV in %) of the flux Fc (used for the value of flux) is estimated by
where Ep, Et, and Ew are the assumed absolute errors or pressure, temperature, and water measurements. Ep, Et, and Ew are all assumed to be 1.0.