Bowl Diameter: 20 cm
Chamber Volume: 4244.1 cm3
Soil Area: 317.8 cm2 (49.3 inches2)
Operating Temperature Range: -20 to 50 °C
Air Temperature Thermistor
Operating Temperature Range: -20 to 70 °C
Accuracy: ±0.5 °C over 0 to 70 °C
Barometric Pressure Sensor
Operating Pressure Range: 50 - 110 kPa
Accuracy: +/- 0.4 kPa
Resolution: 1.5 Pa (typical)
Power Out: 10-17 VDC , Center-Positive Battery-Unregulated, Self-Resetting Fuse Rating of 2 Amp.
Battery: 4S Lithium-ion, 98Wh, Smart Battery with Protection
Battery Life:
Without LI-870 CO2/H2O Analyzer: 34 hours (2 batteries; 17 hours per battery with 2 min per collar active time and 20 collars total per hour.
With LI-870 CO2/H2O Analyzer: 20 hours (2 batteries; 10 hours per battery with 2 min per collar active time and 20 collars total per hour).
Thermocouple Port: For measuring soil temperature using Omega Soil Temperature Thermocouple or other Type-E thermocouple.
Weight: 4.3 kg (9.6 lbs) including battery
Size: 34 × 32 × 29 cm (W × H × D) with handle lowered and HydraProbe dock installed
Memory: 8 GB total non-volatile (includes operating system and data files)
GPS Accuracy: 2.5 m CEP
Wi-Fi: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
SDI-12 Interface: For connecting Stevens HydraProbe for soil moisture
Connectivity Ports:
USB-A: Standard, for connecting to external Wi-Fi adapter.
USB-A: Sealed and strain-relieved, for LI-870 CO2/H2O Analyzer.
Power Out: Sealed and strain-relieved, for LI-870 CO2/H2O Analyzer.
USB-B: Sealed and strain-relieved to connect other gas analyzer models.
RJ-45 Network: Sealed and strain-relieved, for LI-COR LI-78xx Trace Gas Analyzers
LI-870 1.2-meter Cable and Tubing assembly (9982-010)
- Length: 1.2 meters
- Total Tube Volume: 19.00 cm3
- Cable Connectors: Sealed power and USB-A-to-USB-B for the LI-870
LI-78xx 1.2-meter Cable and Tubing Assembly (9982-011)
- Length: 1.2 meters
- Total Tube Volume: 19.00 cm3
- Cable Connectors: Sealed RJ-45 network cable for Trace Gas Analyzers
LI-78xx 2-meter Cable and Tubing Assembly (9982-009)
- Length: 2.0 meters
- Total Tube Volume: 31.6 cm3
- Cable Connectors: Sealed RJ-45 network cable for Trace Gas Analyzers
Tube T-split (9982-073)
- Length: 15 cm total added for each flow path through a single leg
- Total Tube Volume: 4.7 cm3