What's new in this version
Software updates provide new features and bug fixes. Here we provide a summary of the features included with each software release.
Version 1.24 (latest version; released December 12, 2023)
- Adjust timing to improve compatibility with Stevens HydraProbe firmware versions 4.
- Fixed the total volume displayed in the interface. Previously, the interface would display a total volume of 0 under some circumstances. The issue had no affect on computed results or data files.
Version 1.20 (released June 27, 2023)
- Adds support for Stevens HydraProbes with firmware 4 and newer.
Version 1.18 (released November 15, 2021)
- Updated wireless networking statement to satisfy regulatory requirements.
Version 1.17 (released August 12, 2021)
- Interface now automatically reconnects to previously connected analyzers upon power-cycle (provided those analyzers are still available).
- The checks for existing analyzer connections and available analyzers on the network now happen upon MQTT connection rather than upon page load, allowing edge cases such as updating the interface via installer or power-cycling instrument while the interface is active to properly determine analyzer connections and available analyzers.
- Changed tracking of existing analyzer connections from MQTT topic to Smart Chamber memory, allowing user's connection choices to persist across power-cycle.
- Changed tracking of "Use Defaults" checkboxes from MQTT topic to Smart Chamber memory, allowing user's checkbox choices to persist across power-cycle.
- Removed meta MQTT topic previously used to store analyzer/checkbox information, as this did not persist across power-cycle.
- Consolidated volumes calculation logic so all volumes calculated with one equation (caused previously solved issues such as collar height not being updated if changed in the Start Measurement modal instead of from the Settings page).
- Fixed bug where available analyzers could report out of order (found all connected 8x0's before network was queried for trace gas analyzers, causing the UI to report zero available trace gas analyzers).
- Refactored fix time for 32- and 64-bit compilers.
- Measurement settings check boxes default to false.
Version 1.13 (June 7, 2021)
- Added support for the LI-7820 N2O/H2O Trace Gas Analyzer.
- Interface version number now displayed in app.
- Total volume now recalculated if user changes collar height from Start Measurement modal.
- Serial number now reflects instrument type (7820, instead of 78xx, etc.)
- Various measurement units fixes.
- Responsive design styling fixes for tablet and mobile devices.
- No longer able to change Soil Medium if probe has an error (but it otherwise still connected).
- Fixed bug where live data chart would show a meaningless y-axis if only one variable was selected.
Version 1.6.0 (July 16, 2019)
- Fixed: Rep # display indicator now shows current repetition (instead of last repetition completed).
- Fixed: Error handling & cleanup for interface variables cached from now-disconnected analyzers (for example, if CH4 was cached from a Trace Gas Analyzer that’s since been disconnected).
- Fixed: Etc/GMT +/- time zones now ordered correctly on Settings Page Time Zone menu.
- Fixed: Smart Chamber connection failure clears all interface Variable Layout slots to prevent data inconsistency.
- Fixed: Problem where Live Graph wouldn't have any units if all values were the same (such as -9999).
- Fixed: Problems with full screen graphs in Firefox.
- Fixed: Issue where a 0 min/max graph would not have units.
- Fixed: Layout issues in Firefox and Safari.
- Fixed: Made Reset Layouts button disabled during a measurement.
- Fixed: Bug where Repetitions Columns are misaligned in File Show View after switching File ID tags.
- Added: Prevent switching Network Type while measurement is underway.
- Fixed: Automatically reload the Files List when measurement finishes (to prevent user from having to refresh the page to see updated Files List).
- Fixed: Bug where Review Graph timestamps read as "Invalid Date" in Safari.
- Fixed: Bug where Review Graph data didn’t clear when switching between fluxes/averages.
- Fixed: Bug where Default Settings checkbox would cause Settings input fields to fail data validations.
- Fixed: Workaround for bug in Google Chrome that causes all interface Update buttons to be off-center.
- Fixed: Bug where Variable Over Time Graph labels appeared on top of other UI elements.
- Added: LI-870 Cell Pressure value as a selectable interface variable.
- Added: Measurement Flow indicator now only shows during actual measurement (instead of pre-purge, opening, closing, etc.).
- Added: Interface Variable Layout now stored in browser cache, so it isn’t lost when page refreshes.
- Added: Loading buffer added to Home Page to prevent interface variable “false positive” errors (i.e., to prevent false reports of errors when the gas analyzer has not yet sent the value).
- Added: Reset Layout button on the Settings page to clear cached UI Variable Layout from browser cache.
- Added: Tooltips added to gear menu options (Files, Settings, etc.).
- Added: Clearing interface Variable Layout slot clears corresponding Live Graph data for all removed interface variables.
- Added: Clearer wording on UI Variable Error Handling & Cleanup window.
- Added: Absolute value conversion to Review and Over Time graphs, for purely negative data sets.
- Added: Clearer error message for invalid numbers on Settings page and Start window.
- Added: USB to types of cables that can be used to re-establish WiFi (in Wifi Warning window)
Version 1.1.0
First release