Under Settings, you'll reveal Ethernet options for the network, App Settings for the interface, and two Power options to restart the device, as well as WiFi, Time and Remote Server Configuration.
The network configuration provides two general options: Dynamic and Static.
Dynamic: A network will assign an IP Address. This is ideal for most network configurations.
Static: You assign an IP Address. You might set a static IP Address if, for example, you are connecting to a cellular modem.
The Subnet Mask and Default Gateway are normal options for network devices. You may need to configure them to use a cellular modem.
You can turn Wi-Fi on or off with the switch. After turning it off, you must use the wired network or a user-supplied USB Wi-Fi adapter to communicate with the LI-8250.
The LI-8250 will align its clock with connected devices. You can choose a time zone as an offset to the device time. If the time is not set by a network, you can adjust it by clicking the Clock field.
Note: We recommend standard time (do not adjust for daylight saving time). Arbitrary changes to the clock can cause data to have the appearance of gaps and overlaps.
Remote Server
Here you can enter credentials to log into and copy files to a remote server. Details are in Configuring a remote server.