Using the LI-Integrator app
The LI-Integrator app is a simple Windows application that can compute area under the curve with data from LI-COR analyzers, including the LI-8xx series and LI-78xx series analyzers. |
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Measuring pCO2 and DIC in water
A description of pCO2 and DIC systems. |
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Communicating with LI-COR instruments using LabVIEW
Basic instructions that describe how to communicate with LI-COR instruments using LabVIEW. Includes sample programs to read data. |
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Air Pumps and Accessories for LI-COR Gas Analyzers: Suggested Parts and Vendors
Suggested parts and vendors for air pumps and other accessories needed to flush the sample cells of many LI-COR closed-path gas analyzers. |
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The Importance of Water Vapor Measurements and Corrections
This application note describes how water vapor influences the measurement of carbon dioxide by infrared gas analysis in several ways, which can lead to significant measurement errors. |
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FAQs on Source and Detector Replacement
Frequently asked questions on the source and detector. |
faq |
Installation Instructions for Embedded Software
Instructions for updating the embedded (instrument) software in the LI-820 CO2 or LI-840 CO2/H2O Analyzers. |
install guide |
Replacing the Source and Detector
Instructions for replacing the optical source and detector. |
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LI-820 CO2 Gas Analyzer Instruction Manual
Instruction manual for the LI-820 CO2 Gas Analyzer. |
manual |
Using the Sable Systems DG-4 to set the H2O span for LI-COR gas analyzers
You can adjust the H2O span in many LI-COR gas analyzers with a dewpoint generated by the Sable Systems DG-4 Dewpoint Generator. This tech tip provides some details. |
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Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Data
Tech Tip describing common causes and solutions to poor readings. |
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Troubleshooting RS-232 Connection Issues
Tech Tip describing how to correct RS-232 connection issues. |
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Temporary Fix for a Bad Source
Tech Tip describing a temporary fix for a bad optical source. |
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