Wiring RM Young Anemometer Analog Outputs to a LI-COR Eddy Covariance System
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Instructions for connecting an RM Young Anemometer to a LI-COR EC system.
The RM Young 81000 sonic anemometer is one of the many sonic anemometers that can be used with a LI-COR EC system. Since the RM Young provides a junction box, wiring it to the LI-7550 is straightforward. The Analog Input/output cable (Part Number 392-10109) provided with the LI-7550 spare parts kit can be used instead of the Auxiliary Sensor Interface Unit. You can wire the bare lead ends directly to the junction box of the RM Young 81000 and then connect the other end directly to the LI-7550 Auxiliary Input.
The wiring is described in the table at right, adapted from Page 8 of the RM Young 81000 manual. The table also includes some suggestions on how the RM Young 81000 and the LI-7500A/LI-7200 should be configured. By default, the 81000 factory analog outputs are wind speed, direction, elevation and sonic temperature. These should be changed to appropriate outputs for collecting data through the LI-7550 analog input channels. The instrument has to be configured through a terminal program such as Hyper Terminal or Tera Term using a baud rate of 38400. After applying power, the data should stream in, and sending the ESC character (ASCII 27) in three quick successions should take you to the command mode.