Theory of operation
Relating absorption to concentration
The scaling law of Jaimeson et. al., (1963) shows the effect of pressure on infrared absorption. If the amount of absorber of some gas ui (mol m-2) and absorption in a band are related by some function hi(), then
The subscript i denotes a particular (ith) gas. Pressure is denoted as Pei because it is the equivalent pressure for the ith gas. Equivalent pressure is potentially different from total pressure P if there are gases present other than i that affect how the ith gas absorbs radiation.
We rewrite this in terms of number density (mol m-3) by introducing a path length λ, and noting that ui = ρiλ. Substituting this into equation 11‑1, and solving for the number density ρi of gas i yield
We rewrite equation 11‑2 as
by combining λ and the inverse h() functions into a new function fi(). The calibration function fi() is generated by measuring a range of known densities ρi and fitting a curve to ρi/Pei plotted against αi/Pei. Since gas standards are not available in “known densities”, the ρi values are computed from known concentrations mi (moles of gas per mole of air) using the ideal gas law
Measuring absorptance
Given a source with radiant power F, and a detector some distance away, in the absence of reflection, absorptance by gas i can be determined from
where is transmittance through gas i,
is transmitted radiant power in the absorption band with some concentration of gas i present, and
is the transmitted radiant power in the absorption band with zero concentration of i present. The instrument approximates absorptance by
where Ai is the power received from the source in an absorbing wavelength for gas i, and Aio is the power received from the source in a reference wavelength that does not absorb gas i. The instrument measures Ai and Aio alternately 150 times per second.
If we combine equations 11‑6 and 11‑3, we can write the full equation for computing molar density from absorptance.
Note the zeroing term zi and the span adjustment term Si in equation 11‑7. The span adjustment term is a linear function of absorptance (see What actually happens):
Cross sensitivity
Because the instrument uses one detector for measuring Ac, Aco, Aw, and Awo, (the absorbed and non-absorbed power for CO2 and H2O, respectively), there is a slight cross-sensitivity between gases due to imperfections in the detector's frequency (time) response. This varies from detector to detector, but is measured during calibration, and is corrected in software. Equation 11‑6 is written as
where Xji is the cross sensitivity response of gas j on gas i (determined during calibration), and Aj and Ajo are the absorbed and non-absorbed power for gas j. Equation 11‑7 becomes
Zero drift
Even though the detector and filters are temperature controlled in the LI-7500DS, the detector is subject to slight temperature drift as ambient temperature changes. This error is directly related to the detector cooler control voltage, which is measured, and thus provides a mechanism for a software "fine tuning".
The zero term zi is computed from
where Vd is the cooler voltage, Zi is the slope of the relationship between Vd and zi (determined during calibration), and Zio is the zero factor determined when setting the zero.
Equation summary
In the atmosphere, the absorption of radiation by water vapor is not significantly influenced by any other gas, so the effective pressure for water vapor, Pew, is simply the total pressure P.
H2O absorptance, aw, is
where b1, b2, and b3 are constants (CO2 SD1, SD2, and SD3 on the calibration sheet) and Vc is cooler voltage. Uncorrected absorptance, a*w, is given by
where Aw and Awo are the raw signals for the water vapor absorption and reference bands, Xcw is the cross sensitivity coefficient for CO2 on water vapor (H2O XS on the calibration sheet), Ac and Aco are the raw signals for the CO2 absorption and reference bands, Zwo is the zeroing coefficient (H2O Zero on the calibration sheet), Zw is the zero drift coefficient (H2O Z on the calibration sheet), and Vc is the cooler voltage.
Mole density of H2O, ρw, is given by
The coefficients for the 3rd order polynomial fw() are given on the calibration sheet. The polynomial has the form Ax + Bx2 + Cx3, where x = awSw/P. Sw is span for H2O.
The absorption of radiation by CO2 molecules is influenced by several other gases, including O2 and H2O. Since the concentration of H2O is most variable, it must be accounted for in the equivalent pressure of Pe. A method of doing this (LI-COR Application Note #116) is
P is pressure, aw is the band broadening coefficient, and mw is the mole fraction of water vapor. aw has been determined to be 1.15 for the LI-7500DS.
CO2 absorptance, ac, is given by
where b1, b2, and b3 are constants (H2O SD1, SD2, and SD3 on the calibration sheet) and Vc is cooler voltage. Uncorrected absorptance, a*c, is given by
where Ac and Aco are raw signals from the CO2 absorption and reference bands, Xwc is the cross sensitivity coefficient for water on CO2 (CO2 XS on the calibration sheet), Aw and Awo are the raw signals for the water vapor absorption and reference bands, Zco is the zeroing parameter (CO2 Zero on the calibration sheet), Zc is the temperature drift coefficient (CO2 Z on the calibration sheet), and Vc is the cooler voltage.
Mole density of CO2, ρc, is given by
The coefficients for the 5th order polynomial fc() are given on the calibration sheet. The polynomial has the form Ax + Bx2 + Cx3 + Dx4 + Ex5, where x = acSc/Pec. Sc is the span parameter for CO2, Pec is equivalent pressure, and ac is the span-drift corrected absorptance for CO2.
The value the LI-7550 needs to output for CO2 absorptance is ac (equation 11‑17), and for H2O absorptance is aw (equation 11‑13). The span drift correction, implemented in this manner, should leave the span setting algorithms unchanged.
LI-7500DS implementation
Atmospheric pressure, Pg, (kPa) and temperature, Tg, (°C) are measured by sensors in the Analyzer Interface Unit. Wf is the mole fraction of water vapor and .
Label | Description | Equation |
H2O mmol/m3 | H2O number density | |
H2O g/m3 | H2O mass density |
H2O mmol/mol | H2O mole fraction |
Dew Point (°C) | Dew point temperature |
CO2 mmol/m3 | CO2 number density | |
CO2 mg/m3 | CO2 mass density |
CO2 µmol/mol | CO2 mole fraction |
A note about pressure and temperature
Since the instrument is calibrated for number density, accurate temperature is not required for the calculation, and accurate pressure measurement is not required, either (equations 11‑20 and 11‑25). For example, if you introduce a 1% error in the pressure sensor on a perfectly calibrated instrument, the resulting CO2 mole density error would be about 0.25%, and the H2O mole density error about 0.5% in typical ambient conditions.
When calibrating (specifically when setting spans), temperature and pressure are more important. Calibrating with a 1% pressure error will cause the resulting CO2 mole density to have a 1% error, but no error in the resulting H2O mole density (because the water span target is computed from dew point, not mole fraction). A 1% error in temperature (3 °C) will cause a 1% error in both CO2 and H2O mole density.