Soil variables and constants
Variables related to soil gas flux have their own groups in the data dictionary and data files.
The SoilConst group
Constants are computational constants used in the flux calculation. These can be found in the Data Dictionary under the group called SoilConst.
The SoilConfig group
These settings can be found in the Data Dictionary under the group called SoilConfig.
Meas | Description |
Rep duration | Time (s) chamber is closed for each repetition. |
Dead band | Delay (s) after closing to begin computations. |
# Reps | Number of repetitions per measurement. |
Extra | Delay (s) after opening before starting next repetition. |
ID Tag | Identifier, used in the file name. |
Soil Type | Needed for the Stevens Probe. |
Tsoil | The source of a soil temperature (Stevens probe, Tleaf, Tleaf2, or none). |
The SoilData group
Real-time data during a measurement is available in the group called SoilData. Some of these are shown in the Measure Flux window.
Label | Description |
TIME | The time_t value of the data record. |
CStatus | Status of chamber ("Open", "Closing", "Closed", "Opening"). |
MStatus | Status of the measurement ("Idle", "Closing", "Dead band", "Sampling", "Opening", "Waiting"). |
MStatusN | Numeric status of the measurement (0 = "Idle", 1 = "Closing", 2 = "Dead band", 3 = "Sampling", 4 = "Opening", |
Rep | Current repetition and total. e.g., 3/4. |
Elapsed | During measurement, elapsed time since chamber closed. |
Progress | Percent of the measurement completed. |
RepProg | Percent of the current rep that is completed. |
CO2 | Value comes from CO2_s in group Meas. |
H2O | Value comes from H2O_s in group Meas. |
Cdry | Dry CO2. Value comes from CO2_s_d in group Meas2. |
Tsoil | Soil temp. Source depends on setting of Tsoil in SoilConfig. |
Msoil | Soil moisture, (measured by Stevens Probe). |
Tair_sc | Air temperature within the soil chamber. |
Pressure | Value comes from Pa in group Meas. |
RH | Computed RH in the soil chamber. |
dCdry/dt | Rate of change of Cdry over previous 2 seconds |
F-to | An estimate of what the final flux will be at time to |
The SoilComp2 group
When a rep is finished, a SoilComp2 record is published.
Label | Description |
MeasNum | Measurement number. |
RepNum | Repetition number. |
F_target | Flux computed Cdry = C_target. |
F_to | Flux computed at Cdry = C_o. |
Cdry_to | Cdry concentration at chamber close. |
P_to | Pressure at chamber close. |
T_to | Chamber air temp at chamber close. |
W_to | Chamber water mole fraction at chamber close. |
slope | Slope of dCdry/dt as function of Cdry. |
intercept | Intercept of dCdry/dt as function of Cdry. |
Ts_avg | Average soil temperature over the rep |
Ms_avg | Average soil moisture over the rep |