General information
Instrument function
Samples are placed between the guides on the lower transparent belt and allowed to pass through the instrument. As items travel under the 15 watt fluorescent light source, the object is reflected by a system of three mirrors to a solid state scanning camera within the rear housing.
Width is sensed by the scanning camera. Length information is provided by the current frequency as related to the belt velocity. Area integration is accomplished by components of the main printed circuit board mounted on the instrument rear plate (Figure 2‑1).
Data are presented on the light emitting diode (LED) display. Decimal location on the display is changed to suit the 1.0 or 0.1 mm2 resolution requirement (Changing measurement resolution). Alternatively, data can be collected, displayed, and stored using a PC (see Using the Windows® interface software).
Operational features
The LI-3100C features interchangeable 1.0 mm2 and 0.1 mm2 resolution capability that is furnished with a single 28 mm camera lens. A 25 cm wide sample guide is provided for both 1.0 mm2 and 0.1 mm2 resolution configurations.
The upper belt assembly can be removed for operations hindered by the upper belt. Sample thickness can then be increased to 2.5 cm (see Removing the upper belt assembly).