Viewing Data in the Dashboard
Note: This feature is available to General Users, Station Administrators, and User Administrators.
To view data for a site, select the site from the Map or Stations view. This will bring up the station dashboard.
Note: Click and drag to zoom in on a graph.
Click the Detail view to the upper right of the graphs.
Current data will be displayed:
You can select variables from the Field menu:
Field |
Ambient air pressure |
Ambient air temperature1 |
Canopy temperature1 |
Carbon dioxide density |
Carbon dioxide flux |
Carbon dioxide mixing ratio |
Carbon dioxide mole fraction |
Dynamic stability parameter |
Evapotranspiration |
Friction velocity |
Latent heat flux |
Methane density |
Methane flux |
Methane mixing ratio |
Methane mole fraction |
Momentum flux |
Net radiation |
PAR1 |
Relative humidity1 |
Sensible heat flux |
Soil heat flux1 |
Soil water content1 |
Sonic temperature |
Total precipitation |
Water vapor density |
Water vapor flux |
Water vapor mixing ratio |
Water vapor mole fraction |
Wind direction |
Wind speed |
Start/End Dates
You can specify a date range with the Start/End Dates.
The Quality Assurance/Quality Control check box () converts the graphs to display the quality flag of each record when checked. When viewing QC/QA mode, you can turn on or off the QC levels by clicking the record.
indicates OK status.
indicates note. You should consider checking these data for problems.
indicates a warning. These data should reviewed and discarded if they are problematic.
1 _#_#_# nomenclature indicates that more than one sensor is providing this measurement. See Biomet Data in EddyPro documentation for more information.