Statistics output
Along with the final results files, EddyPro creates at least one subfolder in the user-specified output folder:
..\eddypro_stats\: contains seven files of basic statistics calculated on all available sensitive variables, at 7 different levels of processing. These files have a static format that includes statistical data for all sensitive variables, except the analyzer’s cell in/out temperature. Statistics for variables that are not available are replaced by the string “n/a” (not available).
The seven levels of statistics refer to those calculated on the following datasets:
- Unprocessed (dataset as imported from the raw file)
- After despiking
- After crosswind correction
- After Angle of Attack correction
- After double rotation for tilt correction
- After time lag compensation
- After detrending
..\eddypro_user_stats\: contains seven files of basic statistics calculated on all available non-sensitive variables (including user-defined variables and sensitive variables not used for flux computation). These files have a dynamic format, including statistics only for available non-sensitive variables. This folder and the seven files contained in it are created only if EddyPro detects at least one non-sensitive variable.
Like the statistics calculated on sensitive variables, the seven levels of statistics refer to those calculated on the following datasets:
- Unprocessed (dataset as imported from the raw file)
- After despiking
- After crosswind correction
- After Angle of Attack correction
- After double rotation for tilt correction
- After time lag compensation
- After detrending
Note: Statistics on non-sensitive variables may result in seemingly wrong values (such as zero or not-a-number). This may happen when, for example, a variable has a constant value throughout the file, as with some instrument diagnostic variables. In these cases, however, high order statistics lose representativeness and usefulness.
Statistics files content
The statistics file is described below and in Table 3‑3.
File information
- Raw file name
- Date and time of the end of the averaging period
- Number of valid records used for the current averaging period
- Mean values
- Variances
- Covariances of all variables with the three wind components
- Standard deviations
- Skewness
- Kurtosis