Current Products
Legacy Apollo SciTech Products
Instruction manuals for older Apollo SciTech instruments are available below.
AS-C5M, AS-C6L, and AS-D1 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Analyzers
PDF: AS-C5M Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Analyzer (LI-850) Instruction Manual
(AS-C5M DIC Manual 20240214 v4.5.pdf)
PDF instruction manual that can be saved to your computer or printed.
PDF: AS-C6L Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Analyzer (LI-7815) Instruction Manual
(ASC6L DIC Manual 20240118 v4.5.pdf)
PDF instruction manual that can be saved to your computer or printed.
PDF: AS-D1 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and δ13C Analyzer Instruction Manual
(ASD1 v4.5 Manual 20230405.pdf)
PDF instruction manual that can be saved to your computer or printed.
AS-P3 pCO2 Analyzer
PDF: AS-P3 pCO2 Analyzer Instruction Manual
(AS-P3 pCO2 Manual 20240213.pdf)
PDF instruction manual that can be saved to your computer or printed.
AS-ALK3 Total Alkalinity Titrator
PDF: AS-ALK3 Total Alkalinity Titrator Instruction Manual
(ALK3-A211 v2.1.1 20221220.pdf)
PDF instruction manual that can be saved to your computer or printed.
AS-spec-pH2 Spectrophotometric pH Analyzer
PDF: Spec-pH Analyzer Instruction Manual
(Spec pH Manual 20240213 v3.0.1.pdf)
PDF instruction manual that can be saved to your computer or printed.