
2420 Light Sensor Amplifier

The 2420 Light Sensor Amplifier converts the μA current from a light sensor into a voltage that can be measured by most data loggers and system controllers. The 2420 Amplifier provides 15 user-selectable gain settings to accommodate a variety of applications.

Model 2420-BNC works with light sensors that have BNC connectors.

Model 2420-BL works with light sensors that have bare leads.

Please note: LI-COR dataloggers, such as the LI-1500, do not require an amplifier because they measure the μA current directly.

2420 Light Sensor Amplifier

Millivolt Adapters

Millivolt adapters are used for connecting sensors to other manufacturers' data loggers or data acquisition systems; they are not needed with the LI-1400, LI-1500, or other LI-COR readout devices.

We provide two types of millivolt adapters: 1) a "matched" adapter that features a standardized 0-10 mV output (part numbers 2319, 2320, and 2321), and 2) an "unmatched" type that has a fixed resistor to convert the sensors' output to millivolts (part numbers 2220, 2290, and 2291).

The standardized (matched) millivolt adapters are paired with a specific sensor and individually adjusted to standardize the sensor output. This eliminates the need to enter unique calibration constants or multipliers for each sensor.

The fixed resistor type millivolt adapters (unmatched) can be used with any compatible sensor to convert the sensors' output to millivolts; they require that a unique calibration constant or multiplier for each sensor be entered into the logging device to convert the output into the units of measurement.

Millivolt Adapter

2003S Mounting and Leveling Fixture

The 2003S is for use with all LI-COR terrestrial type sensors (2.38 cm diameter). The base is anodized aluminum with stainless steel leveling screws and a weatherproof spirit level.

  • Size: 7.6 cm diameter (3.0”)
  • Weight: 95 g (0.21 lbs)
2003S Mounting and Leveling Fixture

2001S Sensor Base Cover

The cover installs over the LI-190R, LI-200R, or LI-210R base when the sensor is removed from the base. It protects the base and connectors when the sensor is removed.

2001S Sensor Base Cover

2009S Underwater Lowering Frame

The 2009S Underwater Lowering Frame secures underwater sensors for sampling. It features a narrow profile and highly absorbent black finish to minimize reflection of light. The frame stabilizes the sensors in water and can be weighted for use in turbulent water.

2009S Underwater Lowering Frame

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