Sonic Anemometers

Wind speed measurements are an integral component of the eddy covariance method. Research goals may require a specific geometry, a heating option, better operation in wet conditions, or may be constrained by budgets. LI-COR eddy covariance products are strategically designed to give you the flexibility to integrate with a variety of sonic anemometers to fit your exact research requirements, including the latest digital, heated, and multipath options.

The following sonic anemometers from Gill Instruments, Metek, and RM Young are available directly from LI-COR . Data and power cables are available in several lengths for tripod or tower configuration. LI-COR also provides mounting hardware for these anemometers.

Gill Instruments

Additional options include wind tunnel calibration and/or a heavy-duty carrying case.


RM Young

Digital Sonic Anemometer Integration

LI-COR eddy covariance systems also give you the flexibility to integrate the digital signals and diagnostics from the following sonic anemometers:

  • Gill HS-50
  • Gill HS-100
  • Gill R3-50
  • RM Young 81000
  • RM Young 81000V
  • RM Young 81000VRE
  • Metek uSonic-3 Cage Multi-Path
  • Metek uSonic-3 Class A Multi-Path

Data and power cables are available from LI-COR.

Analog Sonic Anemometers Support

LI-COR eddy covariance systems also provide support for additional anemometers that are set to output analog signals. Analog anemometers require a gas analyzer that includes the LI-7550 Analyzer Interface Unit.

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