Ecosystem Monitoring
LI-COR provides solutions to monitor the core processes of an ecosystem—light, plants, soil, water, and atmosphere—and research their interdependencies.
Integrated Ecosystem Measurements– A Seminar Series
Join us to explore the benefits of integrating soil, leaf-level, and atmospheric measurements.
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Understanding an ecosystem requires collaboration and accurate measurements at small and large scales. With LI-COR instruments and systems, scientists can expand their environmental research capabilities and reach across disciplines.
Climate Change Impact
Start with accurate measurements at soil, leaf, and ecosystem levels to contribute to our understanding of the impact of climate change on natural and man-made ecosystems.
Greenhouse Gases
Measure the four main greenhouse gases— CO2 , CH4 , N2O , and H2O vapor—from small to large scales with soil, photosynthesis, and gas exchange instrumentation.
Eddy Covariance
Add leaf area index, photosynthesis, and soil respiration measurements to flux tower data for deeper insights into an ecosystem.
Food Production and Carbon Farming
Evaluate plant health, irrigation strategy, drought stress, soil respiration, and determine the net carbon balance of an agricultural ecosystem.
Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum
Observe the key processes in the carbon and hydrological cycles, then analyze the interdependency of these processes in soil, plants, and the atmosphere.
Carbon Sink or Source?
Measure surface-to-air CO2 and CH4 fluxes, photosynthetic gas exchange, soil respiration, and emissions to determine whether an ecosystem is a sink or source of carbon.
The world leader in environmental measurement technology
LI-COR is the only company that provides measurement solutions across the major processes of an ecosystem, ensuring quality, consistency, and integration of data.
Our systems feature the most precise and dependable instruments available for measuring the exchange of gases, water, and energy between soil, plants, and the atmosphere.
We are the only company to offer complete soil gas flux systems—including gas analyzers, soil chambers, and software—for survey and long-term measurements of CO2, CH4, and N2O.
Our plant physiology instruments are the most cited in published literature; they measure complex processes at the leaf level that can be scaled to the field and ecosystem.
LI-COR eddy covariance systems are the global standard chosen by major flux networks—including AmeriFlux, AsiaFlux, ICOS, NEON, and others—and feature simplified, automated instrumentation and software for researchers of all experience levels.
Versatile and adaptable systems
LI-COR instruments and systems are designed to adapt to growing research needs and to go where your work takes you.
Soil gas flux
Rugged, portable, and with low power requirements, LI-COR soil gas flux systems perform survey and long-term measurements for quantifying both spatial and temporal variability. Survey rapidly with a gas analyzer and a Smart Chamber or set up a long-term site—extendable to 36 soil chambers—and monitor it remotely.

Plant physiology
LI-COR portable leaf instruments measure carbon assimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence, and stomatal conductance, and are extendable to aquatic samples, insects, and soil. We also offer a plant canopy analyzer for non-destructive leaf area index (LAI) measurements.

Eddy covariance
Eddy covariance systems integrate data from carbon and water cycle processes at field to ecosystem scales. With the lowest power requirements of any system on the market, LI-COR eddy covariance solutions are built to withstand harsh conditions for the long-term. Customize a system from a single analyzer setup to one with multiple instruments that integrate biological and meteorological data.

Trace gas analyzers
LI-COR trace gas analyzers measure CO2 , CH4 , and N2O with high precision and stability. Portable, durable, and with low power and low maintenance requirements, they deliver high quality measurements in the lab, in the field, and on the move.

LI-COR light sensors measure spectral output, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), visible light, and global solar radiation for ecological, solar energy, plant research, greenhouse, and underwater applications.
Standardized data language
Working in collaboration with scientists in the community, we’ve standardized variable names, nomenclature, and units across all of our instrument systems. This consistency allows for more efficient data collection, submission, and subsequent analysis and publication.
Our instruments and systems support the development of climate and ecosystem models by delivering precise and accurate data from small to large scales.
Software and support
LI-COR solutions are designed to be used with minimal training so scientists can focus on their research.
Instrument software
All LI-COR instruments and systems are complemented by software for configuration, data collection, instrument status, and raw data processing.
Soil gas flux systems
SoilFluxPro™ Software, included with all LI-COR soil gas flux systems, streamlines the management of large survey and long-term datasets, and includes post-processing tools for optimizing measurements.
Plant Physiology
The LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System and the LI-600 Porometer/Fluorometer include software for managing configurations, instrument settings, calibration, live graphing, and data processing.
Eddy covariance
EddyPro® Software, on your computer or on-site with the SmartFlux® System, has become the community standard for flux processing software. FluxSuite® Software allows users to view final fluxes, track multiple sites, and collaborate from a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Supported by scientists
A team of scientists is available to answer questions and support LI-COR systems. LI-COR scientists also conduct research, publish, and collaborate with the community.
LI-COR offers photosynthesis and eddy covariance courses in Lincoln, Nebraska, online, and at various other locations throughout the year. Training schedules are posted on the support site.
Technical support center
The LI-COR technical support center is an extensive repository of manuals, application notes, installation guides, calibration certificates, software, and how-to videos. It is the point of contact for LI-COR support.
Are you interested in extending your research capabilities and collaborating with researchers in other disciplines? We’re here to answer your questions and provide information to help facilitate your research decisions.