LI-8100A and LI-8150 cable connections
Cables and tubes connect to the left side of the LI-8100A Analyzer Control Unit. These connectors (Figure 4‑5) have slightly different uses when the LI-8150 Multiplexer is connected.

Two tube and cable bundles, which are included with the LI-8150, connect as shown in Table 4‑1 and Figure 4‑7. One of the tubes has a piece of black shrink wrap; this tube attaches to the Air In fitting on the analyzer control unit.
LI-8100A connector labeled... |
AIR OUT | connects to | I | on the LI-8150. |
AIR IN | O | |||
BELLOWS | P | |||

Notes on multiplexer connections:
- The cable fittings have fine threads. Make sure there is no debris on the fittings before attaching the connectors, as the threads can be easily damaged.
- Cover the connectors with the attached connector dust caps whenever the connectors are not being used.
Connecting chambers
Each LI-8150 side panel has connectors for 8 long-term soil chambers. The right panel has ports 1-8, and the optional left panel has ports 9-16. It is not necessary to connect the chambers in sequential order—a chamber can be connected to any port. The port numbers are important to note, however, as they are configured in the software.
Each chamber connection has Air In and Air Out connectors for each corresponding chamber. The bundled electronic cable connects to the fitting labeled CHBR. Figure 4‑8 shows some typical LI-8150 connections, including soil chambers and gas sampling (vertical profiling) lines.
Unlike the auxiliary sensor interface that is used with the LI-8100A, the 8100- 104/C Long-Term Chambers have three connectors on the exterior of the chamber. Soil temperature or soil moisture probes provide by LI-COR for use with the multiplexer, are fitted with connectors that connect directly to the chamber connectors. For sensors from other manufacturers, an adapter cable with bare wire leads (part number 392-08577) is available to attach the sensor’s wire leads. See Connecting other sensors for details.