Welcome to the LI-560
Welcome, and thank you for your purchase of the LI-560 TriSonica Sphere Ultrasonic Anemometer. The LI-560 measures 3-dimensional wind speed and direction, air temperature. It also features an accelerometer that measures tilt.

The spherical design provides balance and a full third dimension wind measurement. The LI-560 is made of solid aluminum and weighs 225 grams. The insets of the transducer nubs are filled with ultraviolet resistant silicone rubber.
This instruction manual provides basic operating information for the sensor.
Mounted on a hollow ½” DN15 Schedule 10 pipe or 22-mm carbon fiber tube, the LI-560 is ideal for deployment on stationary or mobile outdoor platforms, but should be protected from sustained heavy rainfall and high condensing humidity.
A mounting adapter is available to mount the LI-560 to a camera tripod or custom platform with ¼-20 threads.
A variety of accessories are available for the LI-560.
USB interface adapter
Part number 550USB
USB interface adapter for the TriSonica sensors. Used for configuration and viewing data on a computer. Not for outdoor use.
LI-570 Data Logger
Part number LI-570
The LI-570 Data Logger powers and logs data from up to four LI-550s, up to three LI-560s, or a combination of up to two LI-550s and two LI-560s. It features two 6-pin connectors to connect to 3rd party equipment (radio or GPS receiver), and one 3-pin connector for power.
Mounting adapter
Part number 560M
The mounting adapter is to mount the LI-560 to a camera tripod or other platform that uses ¼-20 threads.

Data and power cables
Several cables are available for power and to transfer data from the device (see Table 1‑1).
A simple Windows®-compatible user-interface application is available for download from licor.com/support/LI-560/software.html.
Note: This application is not suitable for data logging functions.
We recommend the use of a terminal emulator, such as Tera Term, to review the data stream and to communicate with or configure the sensor. The data stream from the LI-560 can be received, stored, and interpreted by an appropriate device of your choice, so long as it is connected to the LI-560 by the proper communication protocol. The LI-570 is ideal for logging the output from the LI-560.
TriSonica ultrasonic anemometer comparison
The LI-550F and LI-550P TriSonica Mini and the LI-560 TriSonica Sphere share many features, as shown in the table below.
If you have an old TriSonica model, or an Anemoment sensor that is not described here, documentation for your product is available at licor.com/support/Anemometers/home.html.
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