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NEW! Logging sun-induced fluorescence, reflectance, and vegetation indices in EC datasets Instructions for using the JB Hyperspectral Devices RoX and FloX instruments with LI-COR eddy covariance systems. This enables you to log sun-induced fluorescence and reflectance parameters, as well as vegetation indices, in eddy covariance data sets. application note
Using Campbell Scientific Dataloggers to Collect Biomet Data Document describing how to use the CR3000, CR1000, or CR6 to record biological and meteorological data in a LI-COR eddy covariance system. install guide
Using the StarDot PhenoCam in Eddy Covariance Systems Instructions for installing and configuring the StarDot PhenoCam in eddy covariance systems install guide
AirLink Cellular Communication Manual Instruction manual for cellular communication systems with the Sierra Wireless AirLink wireless gateway. manual
DC Power Distribution Module Instruction manual for the DC Power Distribution Module. manual
Heavy Duty Adjustable Tripod Instruction Manual

Instruction manual for the Heavy Duty Adjustable Tripod.

Satellite Communication for Eddy Covariance and Soil Gas Flux Systems Instruction manual for satellite communication systems. manual
Original SmartFlux System Instruction Manual Instruction manual for the original SmartFlux System. manual
SunWize Solar Power Supplies Instruction Manual Instruction manual for using SunWize solar power supplies with LI-COR equipment. manual
New tools for a comprehensive time- and space-synchronized flux, weather, and soil optical sensor networks Poster presentation from the European Geophysical Union (2018) meeting that describes the integration of measurements across scales. poster
Using a Cradlepoint Modem with LI-COR Eddy Covariance Systems This technical tip describes how to use a Cradlepoint modem to enable remote communications with LI-COR eddy covariance systems. tech tip
Solar power supply considerations Describes how to determine the correct size of solar and battery power supply for an eddy covariance site. tech tip