Access and share real-time, trustworthy data from anywhere.

An all-in-one solution for on-demand data

Manage your entire measurement system from a single, centralized source. LI-COR Cloud allows you to collect, transmit, and access a sensor data whenever and wherever you need it. It streamlines your measurement process by eliminating the need for third-party software or at-home builds—allowing you to concentrate on the research rather than data management.

Depending on your research needs, LI-COR Cloud is available for a variety of sensors and platforms.

Benefits include:

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    Shareable data

    Allow other researchers to conveniently access your data—even if they do not own a sensor themselves.

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    Tailored data analytics

    Access detailed analytics, which are built using your sensor’s data streams, within LI-COR Cloud.

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    Remote access

    View, share, and download data from your or your collaborators’ labs from anywhere in the world.

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    Easy configuration

    Follow a straightforward guided configuration that anyone on your team can do—no technical expertise required.

What is LI-COR Cloud?

LI-COR Cloud is cloud-based software for any Internet of the Environment (IoE) enabled sensor. It allows you to access a sensor’s data from anywhere in the world. Using the IoE Module, or on-site hardware, sensor data is transmitted to LI-COR Cloud where it can be viewed, shared, or downloaded via the sensor’s app.

What is IoE enabled?

An IoE system encompasses the entire data management solution. It includes both the hardware (sensor and IoE Module) and the software (LI-COR Cloud). When a sensor is IoE enabled, it is connected to LI-COR Cloud via the IoE Module—allowing you to access its data remotely.

The right subscription for your research needs

Get a free one-year subscription to LI-COR Cloud with the purchase of the Water Node. Renewal options are available on a monthly or yearly basis depending on your needs.

Subscription tiers include:

Feature Basic Express
(Coming Soon)
(Coming Soon)
Data Download
Virtual Network
System Health
Gap Filling
Spatial Attribution

Note: Features can be enabled or disabled within the app based on your subscription level and needs.