Export Options
Click the Application button to open the Application menu, then point to Export to view the export options. The following can be exported from Image Studio Software:
Images: Images can be exported individually, in batches of individual files, or multiple images can be exported to a single composite image. Exported images can be in TIFF, PNG, or JPEG format at 150, 300, or 600 dots per inch (dpi) resolution. During export, images can be resized and the chosen resolution will remain the same after resizing.
Image Formats to learn about TIFF, JPEG, and PNG image formats and their uses.
- Color Bar: The color bar from an image can be exported by itself to compare images in a presentation, publication, or lab notebook.
- Movies: Export a QuickTime movie or a batch of individual JPEG images to be made into a movie using third party software.
- Image Studio Files: Export Acquisition Folders containing TIFF images, scan information, and analysis data to Zip Files or to another Work Area. Use this option to backup or archive data.