From wind speed data to precise eddy covariance (EC) measurements, LI-COR has the solutions to help you make sense of the changes and processes going on in the earth’s atmosphere. While our solutions are mobile and field-deployable to study remote locations, they also give you the lab-level accuracy you demand.
LI-COR has the tools to help you study carbon, methane, nitrogen, water vapor, energy exchange, and much more. Beyond the simple answers, such as knowing if an area is a carbon sink or source of CO2, we can get you to the “why” behind it.
To get accurate, direct measurements outside the lab, LI-COR instruments are designed to be mobile and to perform in demanding field conditions. Systems can be solar powered, analyzers are battery-powered, and data can be transmitted via cellular and satellite connections to ensure access from anywhere.
LI-COR can help you lead the way in discovery with atmospheric monitoring solutions that deliver fully computed results—using peer-reviewed best practices—in real-time. You can begin receiving actionable data from day one.
LI-COR scientists are actively engaged with the atmospheric research community. This expertise allows us to push technology and methodologies forward. It means our team is uniquely qualified to not only help you choose the right solution but also ensure you are set up for success.
You are looking for answers about the earth’s atmosphere, and we have the tools you need to find them, using everything from our next-generation eddy covariance systems to trace gas analyzers. Let us help you determine the right solution that matches your research requirements and budget.
Complete systems for the detailed evaluation of the exchange of gases between the soil or water and the atmosphere.
Learn moreREQUEST A QUOTEPrecise and accurate atmospheric gas monitoring of CO2, CH4, N2O, NH3, and CO2 isotopologues, with exceptional stability in the lab or in the field.
Learn moreREQUEST A QUOTEContinuous CO2 and H2O monitoring with a small footprint and a wide measuring range.
Learn moreREQUEST A QUOTELightweight and portable wind sensors capture essential data in more places than ever before.
Learn moreREQUEST A QUOTEStreamlined data collection for climate, water, and soil conditions with research-grade cellular stations and sensors.